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We, through the crucible of God's dealings over the last 50 years, have established, preached and spoken about, (not always well received) principles with regard to both the Pastoral Responsibilities of Kingdom Living and the responsible exercise of both the Gifts and Ministries of the Holy Spirit. We believe the responsibilities of Pastoral Leadership are embodied in Eph 4:12 and to this end we do not use a Structured Format in meetings, and incorporate The Lord's Supper and other Ordinances according to the leading of The Holy Spirit and the needs of the congregation. As we are aware that many Pentecostal ministries have, musically speaking, "Thrown out the baby with the bath water", we are committed to, where possible, the blending of the richness of the Wesleyan and Salvation Army songs, with the incorporation of clearly anointed Pentecostal songs and chorus's, and ministry in song from gifted and potentially gifted members of the body, including ourselves. Prior to the registration of our commission under the Incorporation of Associations Act 1961 (Vic), we had endevoured to minister and serve within the established fellowships. Whilst prayerfully challenging Leadership about what they understand of the Pastoral Responsibilities of Kingdom Living and Leadership, we constantly found ourselves ministering to the rejected, wounded and other battle casualties of the Kingdom. We now continue the same Ministry focus in the capacity of an Autonomous Pentecostal Denomination. We are commissioned to the restoration of the Church to the position of a Victorious Church. Challenging the Body of Christ to "Give an account of what it is doing with what it has been given", and the Community with the fact it too must "Give an account" and therefore needs a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that in the Restoration of New Testament Christianity to the Body of Christ, in a balanced (not Heavy Shepherding), growth of commitment and relationship, the Anointing of God will be released, healing, growth and development will take place, and the community will be challenged to inquire as to the reason. We believe wholly in the Priesthood of all believers (1Pet 2:9) with due respect to the maturity and responsibilities of Leaders. Terms like "Pastor" etc, whilst necessary in dealing with the community at large are Job Descriptions, not Knighthoods, and should only be used respectfully elsewhere. Children however, should not be encouraged to address their elders by their Christian names. As this engenders disrespect. We do not believe in the practice prevalent in some Churches, of Leaders being trained to be aloof and isolated into an elite group apart from the body. However, confidentiality and responsibility are Sacred Trusts that must be recognised and guarded . The Scripture translated "Ministry" (function) is G.K. "Diaconia" that is, Servant or Service, and is Sacrificial in Nature and Responsible to God in Function for the Health, Welfare and Maturity of the Body. As to Gifts of The Spirit within the Church? A necessary part of growth, development and service for all, decently and in order. We believe it is
that Pastoral care and Responsible Leadership of the Body should take
over the pursuit of academic interests, or obsessional preoccupation
"quality of living". Whilst maintaining a balance of teaching and
that will assist the Body to Study to show itself approved unto God (2Tim.
2:15) and equip the Saints for Service. Eph.4:12
by Sharpham Web
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