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2.1 The Canonical Scripture.

2.2 The Godhead.

2.3 God the Father.

2.4 Jesus Christ The Son.

2.5 The Holy Spirit.

2.6 Man.

2.7 The devil.

2.8 Salvation.

2.9 The Church.

2.10 The Ordinances. 2.10.1 Believer's Baptism. 2.10.2 The Lord's Supper.

2.11 The Baptism of the Holy Spirit.

2.12 The Gifts of the Holy Spirit.

2.13 The Fruit of the Holy Spirit.

2.14 Divine Healing and Deliverance.

2.15 Prayer.

2.16 The Resurrection.

2.17 Prophesy.

2.18 The New Creation Ministry and Principals of Restoration.

2.19 The Priesthood of all Believers.

2.20 Stewardship.











To the Articles of Faith and Principals of Ministry


1. Is an Autonomous Pentecostal Ministry, commissioned in the Pastoral and Relational Responsibilities of Kingdom Living, to the restoration and the healing of the fallen, wounded, rejected, and neglected members.1of the Body of Christ. To the Salvation and Restoration of a community for whom the only true answers are to be found in a Personal Relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.



The commission as Ambassadors of Jesus was given by God to Douglas and Carol Allen in 1976, upon their re-opening of a Salvation Army Outpost at Milton/Ulladulla on the Sth Coast N.S.W. Involving Local Services, Travelling Hospital and Visitation Ministry reaching south as far as Narooma N.S.W. Subsequently being transferred to Pentecostal Fellowship in 1978 under the late, Apostle of Pentecost, Philip. B. Duncan at Petersham. Sydney.

A call to return to the Sth Coast N.S.W. was followed by, The Laying on of Hands,(Ordination) for Pentecostal Ministry in December 1979. The Commission has been carried through the Riverina N.S.W. India, The Philippines, HongKong and China, Sth N.S.W. then to Melbourne. Vic. to assist an International Missionary Organisation in Technical Services for a time. In 1991 a Senior Citizens Ministry was commenced bringing worship services to S.C. Homes and centres, sharing with Bible College Graduates the practical ministry lessons of 30 years experience in the Kingdom of God

1992 brought the clear confirmation of the Lord to incorporate the Ministry so that the principals of God's Word relating to the Accountability and Responsibilities of Kingdom Living. Together with the full balanced application of the New Creation Message may be proclaimed through local churches. (God's pattern of Pastoral Ministry).

A study of the Biblical Precedents of the Ambassadorial Commission will confront the self-satisfied believer with the question, "What are you doing with what God has given YOU"???

Ambassadors of Jesus (Inc.) seeks to challenge both Shepherd and Saint to repent of their preoccupation with "Quality of Living", Self Preservation, Aloofness and Insularism and return to their "First Love" which results in one thing alone! Sacrificial, Selfgiving, Soul-Searching Service to Saint and Sinner alike. Bringing with it the promised Anointing of the Word with Signs and Miracles following:-



To the unbeliever, Ambassadors of Jesus.(Inc.)

Make the Statement













We through the crucible of God's dealings over the last 30 years have established, preached and spoken about, (not always well received) principles with regard to both the Pastoral Responsibilities of Kingdom Living and the responsible exercise of both the Gifts and Ministries of the Holy Spirit.

We believe the responsibilities of Pastoral Leadership are embodied in Eph 4:12 and to this end we do not use a Structured Format in meetings, and incorporate The Lord's Supper and other Ordinances according to the leading of The Holy Spirit and the needs of the congregation.

As we are aware that many Pentecostal ministries have, musically speaking, "Thrown out the baby with the bath water". We are committed to where possible, the blending of the richness of the Wesleyan and Salvation Army songs, with the incorporation of clearly anointed Pentecostal choruses, and ministry in song from gifted and potentially gifted members of the body, including ourselves.

Prior to the registration of our commission under the Incorporation of Associations Act, we have endeavoured to minister and serve within the established fellowships.. Whilst prayerfully challenging leadership about what they understand of the Pastoral Responsibilities of Kingdom Living and Leadership, we constantly found ourselves ministering to the rejected, wounded and battle casualties of the Kingdom. We now continue the same Ministry focus in the capacity of an Autonomous Pentecostal Denomination.

We are commissioned to the restoration of the Church, to the position of a Victorious Church. Challenging the Body of Christ to "Give an account of what it is doing with what it has been given", and the Community with the fact it too must "Give an account" and therefore needs a personal relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ.

We believe that in the Restoration of New Testament Christianity to the Body of Christ, in a balanced,( not Heavy Shepherding,) growth of commitment and relationship. The Anointing of God will be released, healing, growth and development will take place , and the community will be challenged to inquire as to the reason.

We believe wholly in the Priesthood of all believers (1Pet 2:9) with due respect to the maturity, and responsibilities of Leaders. The term "Pastor " etc, whilst necessary in dealing with the community at large are; Job descriptions, not Knighthoods, and should only be used respectfully elsewhere. Children however, should not be encouraged to address their elders by their Christian names. As this engenders disrespect.

We do not believe in the practise prevalent in some Churches, of Leaders being trained to be aloof and isolated into an elite group apart from the body. However, confidentiality and responsibility are Sacred Trusts that must be recognised and guarded.

The Scripture translated "Ministry" (function) is G.K. "Diaconia" that is, Servant or Service, and is Sacrificial in Nature and Responsible to God in Function for the Health, Welfare and Maturity of the Body. As to Gifts of The Spirit within the Church? A necessary part of growth, development and service for all, decently and in order.

We believe it is essential that Pastoral care and Responsible Leadership of the Body should take precedence over the pursuit of academic interests, or obsessional preoccupation with "quality of living". Whilst maintaining a balance of teaching and example that will assist the Body to Study to show itself approved unto God (2Tim 2:15) and equip the Saints for Service. Eph.4:12.







The question of Membership of a local assembly is a subject that due to some abuses and Isolationist Teachings, has brought much dissension into the Kingdom of God, and given opportunity for the enemy to divide and weaken otherwise healthy fellowships.

Scripturally the question of membership, (that is the verbal or written expression of Identification with a particular fellowship or ministry.) is Indivisible from the question of Commitment to the Service of The Lord Jesus Christ in the Kingdom of God.

Any believer seeking to walk in isolation will be subject to Pride, Deception, False Teaching, False Revelation, and become wise in their own estimation and risk leading others into error.

Any Christian worker going into Pioneer or Missionary fields is always aware of the need of Prayer Support and Spiritual Covering. To wilfully choose Isolation is a rejection of God's Sovereign Principals of Authority and Responsibility eg: Heb.10:25 & 13:17. Acts 20:27-30 etc. Scripture declares we are (believers) Members of the Body of Christ and that we all have a function and place. Rom.12:4,1Cor 12:12-14,27. Col 3:1217. It is indeed the foolish Man or Woman who denies the Wisdom of God in order to find the Calling of God.

It is likewise unreasonable of any believer (except in a fellowship where error and departure from The Word are evident), to speak out or expect to fulfil or find their place and calling if they are not prepared to commit themselves to the Vision and Covering of that Local Assembly, and verbally or in writing request the Leadership to be their Spiritual covering and Counsel, thus clearly defining and accepting the areas of Responsibility under God, for Believer and Leadership as elsewhere contained in both Scripture and the Articles of Faith of Ambassadors of Jesus (Inc) Christian Assemblies.

Legally under the relevant Acts of Incorporation etc. No person who is not a recognised member may act in any Official capacity of responsibility or authority in or on behalf of a Local Fellowship. (EXCEPTION) Guest or Visiting Ministries who are covered by the Local Eldership and being subject to that Eldership may be Delegated Authority for the purpose of their Ministry Period, and are ethically bound by the terms of their Invitation as Elders or Fathers in the Faith.

The Scriptures require that Order and Discipline and Wise Stewardship be maintained in the House of God for the Glory of God. Therefore any believer seeking to serve God in any Local Assembly must of necessity be committed to the Vision and Leadership of that Assembly.

Even Jesus in attending the Local Assembly submitted Himself to the Leadership of that Assembly;

Shall we not Likewise "Follow In His Steps"?



Believes in and presents the following basic-truths

The Articles of Faith

2.1 The Canonical Scriptures

The Scriptures as originally written, are infallible and inspired by God.

They alone constitute the sole and absolute authority in all matters pertaining to Christian faith and practise. They are not to be added to, superseded, or changed by later tradition or supposed revelation and because the Bible is the completed revelation of God, whatever is not contained therein is not to be declared as an article of faith.

Matt 4:4)5:17-18; 24:35. John.5:39; 10:35; 17:17; Acts28:23; 1Cor2:7-16; 2Tim.3:15-17. 2 Pet l:19-21.

2.2 The Godhead.

There is One God, Perfect and Holy, existing eternally in the three Personalities of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, the Creator and Preserver of all things, visible and invisible.

These three distinct personalities are co-equal and co-eternal in every respect, though each person of the Godhead possesses His own characteristics, and each performs His specific divine works in total unity and harmony with the others.

Matt.3:16-17: 28:19: John 14:16-17: 1 Cor 12:4-6; 2 Corl3:14: Eph. 2:18: 4:4-6.

2.3 God the Father.

God the Father is the first person of the triune Godhead. He has always been the Father from all eternity. As the eternal Spirit, He is personal, ever-present, sovereign, self-existent, invisible, immortal, all-knowing, loving, gracious, faithful and just.

He gave His Son, Jesus Christ, for mankind's redemption.

1 Cor 15:24-28: John 3:36: Matt 6:13: 19:26:Heb 12:7ff: 1John 1:3: Rev 4:11; Lev 11:44: 20:26; Acts 17:27-28; Gen 17:1: 18:14; 21:33; Mark 14:36; Luke 1:37; 18:27; John 4:24; Col 1:15; Mal 3:6; Num 23:19; Ex 3:6; 13:14; Deut 4:39; Dan 4:35; 2Cor 1:3; Psa 5:4-5; 25:8 89:26,28; 90:2; 102:25-27, 103:13; 107:1; 115:1; 139:1-12; Is 40:25, 28; 46:9-10; 57:15; 63:11-16; Rom 2:4; 8:28; 12:1.

2.4 Jesus Christ the Son.

Jesus Christ the Son is the second Person of the triune Godhead; He is the eternal Son of God. He is Lord of all Creation. He was pre-existent before He came to earth and is pre-eminent above all things. He was the word made flesh, supernaturally conceived by the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and perfect in nature, teaching and obedience. He was truly God and truly man.

He lived a sinless life and died on a cross as a vicarious sacrifice shedding His precious blood for the remission of sin for all mankind He is the only Saviour for the sins of the world.



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    1. He rose from the dead in His own glorified body for man's justification, ascended into heaven and will personally return in glory to establish His Kingdom on earth

He is the Head of His body, the Church, and Victor over all the powers of darkness, He now reigns at the right hand of the Father.

John 1:1-3; Is 7:14; 9:6; Matt 1:18-25; John 14:9; 17:1,5; Phil 2:5-11; Heb7: 23-28; Acts 1:11; Matt 24:30; Acts 10:36; Matt 26:28; Rom 5:1,18; Acts 13:39; Eph: 5:23; Col 2:15; Heb 1:3; 8:1; 12:2; 1Pet 3:22.

2.5 The Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the third Person of the triune Godhead.

He is a divine Person, co-equal and co-eternal with the Father and the Son.

He is the Giver of life, He convicts the world of sin, righteousness and judgement. He unites man to Jesus Christ in faith and brings about the new birth. He dwells within the regenerate, producing in them the fruit of the Spirit and enabling them to grow in sanctification.

The Holy Spirit inspired Prophets, Priests, Judges and Kings, anointed Jesus Christ for His ministry, filled the Church with Pentecostal power, and quickens the mortal bodies of believers to the service of God.

John 14:16-17,26; 16:8-11; 1Cor 12:13; John 3:5; 1Cor 6:19; Rom 8:9-11; Gal 5:22-23; 2 Cor 3:17-18; 1Pet 1:2.10-12; 2Pet 1:20-21; Luke 4:1.18-21; Acts 2:4; 4:31.

2.6 Man

God created man in His own image and likeness by a specific act of creation. Though man was originally morally upright and perfect, he fell by voluntary transgression through the original sin of Adam and Eve. Consequently, all mankind is separated from God and his original state of righteousness and is totally incapable by himself of returning to God.

Fallen man, whatever his character or attainment's, is lost and without hope apart from the salvation available in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Gen 1:26-27 Rom 5:12,16-17; Jer 17:9; Eph 2:1-3.,12; John 3:3-7; Acts 4:12; 2Cor ll:3

2.7 The devil.

The devil is a fallen angel who by his influence brought about the downfall of man, and now as the god of this world seeks to destroy humanity. Every believer has access to absolute authority in Jesus Christ over all the power of the devil because Christ's substitutionary death has stripped the devil of his power and authority.

The devil and his evil spirits will be consigned to eternal punishment and judgement.

Gen 3:1-5;Matt 25:41; Luke 10:18-19; 2Cor 4:4; Eph 2:2; 6:11-12; Col 2:15; Jas 4:7;

1Pet 5:8-9; 1John 3:8; Jude 6; Rev 12:7-9,11-12; 20:10.



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2.8 Salvation.

Salvation is solely by grace and is received through genuine repentance toward God, and wholehearted trust in the Lord Jesus Christ. It is also known as the "New Birth", and is an instantaneous and complete operation of the Holy Spirit, whereupon the believing sinner is justified, regenerated, given eternal life, adopted into the family of God and becomes a new creation in Jesus Christ, and sanctification is initiated.

There is no other means by which mankind can be saved, except through the salvation provided by the Lord Jesus Christ.

Through Christ's great redemptive act there is forgiveness of sin, liberation from bondage to the world, and freedom in His Spirit.

Salvation produces an upright and moral life. We believe that continuance in a state of salvation is dependant upon our continued obedient faith in Christ

Eph 2:8-9; Rom 5:1; Acts 2:38; 3:19-21; 4:12; 13:31; Tit 3:4-7; Eph 1:5,7; Gal 6:14 -15;

1Cor 1:30; 2Cor 3:17.

2.9 The Church

The Church comprises all "born again" believers of all nations and denominations, under the headship of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The primary task of the Church is to teach all nations and to make disciples, bringing the Gospel to bear on every aspect of life.

The Church expresses itself in the world through local congregations, which gather to worship.

The primary mission of the Church is the redemption of the lost.

Rom 12:4~5 1Cor 12:27ff; Eph 5:23,26-27; 2:22; 1Pet 2:5 9; Tit 2:14;Matt28:19-20.

2.10 The Ordinances.

There are two perpetual ordinances ordained by the Lord Jesus Christ for all Christians, which equally proclaim His death, burial and resurrection.

When the preaching of the Word conveys the real meaning inherent in these ordinances and faith is aroused in the recipients, then the Holy Spirit produces great benefits.

Rom 8:11; 19:17.

      1. Believers' Baptism

The Believer is baptised by immersion in water upon profession of faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

Baptism is an integral part of Christian initiation, but not essential for salvation.

It symbolises identification of the believer with Christ's death, burial, and resurrection. Separation from the old way of life unto the Lord, and the newness of life now available in Christ.

Matt 28:19; Mark 16:16; Acts 2:38,41; 8:12-13 36-39; 9:17-18; 10:47-48; 16:14-15;

18:8; 19:4-5; 22:16; Rom 6:3-5; Gal 3:26-27; Col 2:12 1Pet 3:20-21.


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2.10.2. The Lord's Supper.

The Lord's Supper is a meeting of believers in which bread and wine, Symbolising His body and blood, are shared in remembrance of Christ's death, in proclamation of His presence, and in anticipation of His Second Coming.

It speaks of the new and eternal covenant made by God with man, and is sealed with the blood of His Son, Jesus Christ.

This ordinance should be celebrated regularly by all genuine believers for it reminds the believer that Christ has provided for his every need, and that at the appointed time Christ is coming for His Church.

Matt 26:26-29 Mark 14:22~25; Luke 22:15-20; 1Cor 10:16~17; 11:20-26.

2.11 The Baptism in The Holy Spirit.

The Baptism in the Holy Spirit is distinct from the "new birth" and is accompanied by the speaking in other tongues as the initial evidence, as the Holy Spirit gives utterance, This gracious and supernatural gift of power was not only for the early disciples, but is a gift available to all believers of every generation. It is received by faith.

It endows believers with power to be effective witnesses for Christ and gives them access to the nine supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Mark 16:15-20; Luke 24:29; John 7:37-39; Acts 1:8; 2:1-40; 8:15-19 10:44-47; 19:1-7

Luke ll:13;.

2.12 The Gifts of the Holy Spirit

The various supernatural gifts of the Holy Spirit, such as word of wisdom, word of knowledge, faith, gifts of healing, working of miracles, prophecy, tongues and interpretation of tongues, discernment of spirits, are an integral part of worship and ministry of the church.

The gifts are primarily to edify and equip the Church for ministry and should be in harmony with the fruit of the spirit.

The gifts are given by the Holy Spirit and are exercised through the believer by faith.

1 Cor 12:7ff; Rom 15:19; Heb 2:4; Acts 3:4-7; 5:3; 11:28-30; 13:9-11; 16:18; 27: 10,22-25; 1Cor 12:7; 13:1~2.

2.13 The Fruit of the Spirit.

The fruit of the Holy Spirit, such as love, joy, peace, patience, gentleness, goodness, faithfulness, meekness and self-control, characterise, the life of the true believer and the true ministry of the Church. Such fruit is the natural result of the life of the Spirit in the believer.

Gal 5:22-26: Col 3:12ff; Rom 8:13ff; 12:9ff; 1Cor 13:lff; John 15:lff;.



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2.14 Divine Healing And Deliverance

The Bible contains a healing covenant affirmed in both testaments, providing spiritual and physical health and well-being for the whole person, and divine deliverance from all bondage to the power of Satan. The basis of this covenant for every believer is reconciliation through the atonement of Jesus Christ which provides the means by which the whole man, spirit, soul, and body, may be delivered from the power and effects of sin, sickness and disease.

Jesus Christ gave His disciples authority and power to heal all kinds of sickness, and disease, and to minister deliverance to those bound by demonic power. We believe that divine healing and divine deliverance is available to all, through faith in the redemptive death and victorious resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Ex 15:26; Is 53:4-5; Matt 8:16-17; 1Pet 2:21-24; 1Thess 5:23; 1Cor 11:23-32; James 5:14-16; Mark 16:17-18; Matt 10:1.

2.15 Prayer

Prayer is communion with God by which the believer can offer supplication, intercession, and thanksgiving. It is the right and privilege of every believer to speak the word of faith, to pray with authority and so release the transforming power of God

Through prayer, the believer can communicate with God and receive comfort, guidance reassurance, encouragement, direction and edification.

Psa 100:4; Jer 33:3; Matt 7:7-8,11; 21-22; John 14:13-14; 16:23-24; Eph 6:18; Phil 4:6-7; James 1:5-6; 1John 5:14-15; John 4:24; Rom 8:26-27; 1Cor 14:14-15;Jud 20.

2.16 The Resurrections

There will be a bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust, for the former, a resurrection into eternal life and immortality, for the latter, a resurrection into judgement.

We believe in the eternal punishment of people who wilfully reject and despise the love of God manifested in the great sacrifice of His Son upon the cross for their salvation.

Is 26:19; Dan 12:2-3,13; John 5:28-29; 6:39-40; 1Cor 15; Rev 20:4-6 11-15. Phil3:21

2.17 Prophecy

It is generally accepted that Bible Prophecy has been progressively fulfilled during the course of history, and that the Church age will be brought to a close by a series of prophesied events such as the Battle of Armageddon and culminate in the visible, personal and glorious return of the Lord Jesus Christ. This will be associated with the first resurrection, the translation of those alive in Christ, the Judgement Seat of Christ, the binding of the satanic powers, the establishment of Christ's Millennial reign, after which the Great White Throne Judgement will take place.

Eze 38:39; Joel 2:3; Zec 14:1-20; Matt 24:29-44; Mark 13:24-37; Luke 21:24-36; Acts 1:11; 2:17-21; 2Pet 3:1-14; Rev 16:12-16; 20:1-15;



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2.18 The New Creation Ministry and Principals of Restoration.

Ambassadors of Jesus does not, nor will ever subscribe to the Doctrine of Second Class Citizenship in The Kingdom of God, practised by some Branches of the Christian Church. But stands fully committed to the Principle of Restoration, and the New Creation Ministry as embodied in the Old and New Testament Scriptures as eg: 2Cor 5:17; Gal 6:12; Rom 11:29 1:8; Is 1:18; Jer 29:11; Deut 30:2; 2Chr 7:14; 1John 1:9.

Ambassadors of Jesus truly believes that God excludes no genuinely restored believer from any function of ministry in the Service in the Kingdom of God, on the basis or grounds of; A Past Failure, A Spiritual, Moral or Physical Breakdown or a Dissolution of Marriage, Either before or after Conversion.

That such people, subject to the Confirming Council of wise and Godly Elders and Fathers of the Faith. Having established the Validity of their Restoration Healing and Walk; may, being suitably qualified, receive the Laying on of Hands for Appointment or Ordination in any Ministry Office or Service to which they may be Called or Set Apart by God, within Ambassadors of Jesus or elsewhere.

2.19 Priesthood of Believers.

We believe in accordance with the New Testament Scriptures and Jesus specific instructions, that the function of Ordained or Appointed Leaders is solely for the fulfilment of the stated purpose of the Ministry Gifts (ie: Eph 4:12.) in the orderly conduct of, Worship and Service, in Teaching, Equipping and establishing the calling of members of the body, and the development of that calling for exercise within a specific fellowship or elsewhere, Leadership, Teaching etc, being an exercise of the maturity and experience born of a leaders walk with the Lord will engender the respect of other believers.

We do not believe there is any scriptural warrant for the Ecclesiastical Veneration or Sanctification of Leaders by reason of their Church responsibility or academic achievement. It is God by His Anointing who commissions His servants to a specific responsibility in the Body of Christ.

Believers delegate authority to their church leaders by their submission scripturally in respect of our Lord's instruction and the leaders gifting and walk. 1Pet 2:5,9-10; 1Pet 5:1-5; Heb 13:7,17.

2.20 Stewardship.

Christian Stewardship is defined as "an individual's responsibility to properly manage everything which God has entrusted to his or her care".

Stewardship is an important dimension which involves the right use of our time, talents, resources, possessions, and finances. Tithing is a principle of financial giving included within the concept of Stewardship.

cf: 1Cor 4:2.Prov 3:9.Ps 24:1. Mal 3:8-11. Prov 3:10. Lev 27:30. Gen 14:20, 28:22.

Num 18:24. Prov 11:24,25. Rom 8:4. Matt 23:. 2 Cor 9:6. Lk 6:38.



Statement of Purposes

The Purpose of Ambassadors of Jesus may be expressed as follows.

3.1 To be a Church in accordance with the will of God as expressed in the New Testament.

3.2 To glorify and worship God our Father and recognise Jesus as head of the Church and Lord of all, taking His direction and acting according to His leading and principles.

3.3 To build up the Body of Christ to unity and maturity so that we might all be like Jesus.

3.4 To preach the full gospel of Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit to all people everywhere.

3.5 To go and make disciples for Jesus in all nations baptising them and teaching them to obey all that Jesus commanded.

3.6 To love the Lord with all our heart and soul and mind and strength and our neighbours as ourselves.

3.7 To train, equip, enable and mobilise all members of the Body of Christ into using their own God given gifts and talents as led by the Holy Spirit in the cause of the Kingdom of God.

3.8 To ordain or appoint those members so qualified, into the ministry of their Calling and/or Leadership of the Church(s).

3.9 To propagate the message of the Word of God.

3.10 To engage in evangelism by all means such as public meetings, the printed page and mass media.

3,11 To establish self-governing, self-propagating local churches as the opportunity affords.

3.12 To foster the establishment of Christian home groups throughout our city and nation.

3.13 To uphold the family as the basic social unit of society.

3.14 To provide Christian education for all age groups and to encourage training for active ministry at home and abroad.

3.15 To release the divinely bestowed ministry gifts of Christ into full operation within the Church.

3.16 To support and engage in missionary enterprises in other lands with the view of establishing indigenous churches.

3.17 To be involved, as we are able, and to lead in giving direct aid for the relief of poverty, sickness, destitution, suffering and misfortune.

3.18 To have meetings in private and public places for the purpose of worship, fellowship, baptism, teaching, communion, receipt of offering and any other Christian purpose.











Principles of Ministry

4.0 Pastoral Responsibilities of Kingdom Living.

4.1 The Commitment to faithfully; "Follow in His Steps", is a mandatory requirement upon the life of all Ambassadors of Jesus, Leaders and Ministries 1Pet 2:21; 1Pet 5:1-4; etc.

The New Testament Scriptures translated "Ministry" (function) is in the Greek "Diaconia"; that is servant! and is sacrificial in nature, Selfgiving and Accountable to God in function for the Health, Welfare, and Maturity of the Body of Christ

4.2 We believe it is essential for the Pastoral care of; and the Responsibility for, the Body of Christ to take precedence in the life of any leader, over the pursuit of quality of living and academic or other achievement. Whilst maintaining a balance of preparation and teaching that will assist the Body, to study to show itself approved unto God (2Tim 2:15) and equip the saints for service. A leader must show by example, in personal and home standards, in availability not insularism, in self-giving not aloofness, in humility not elite-ism, such an expression of the Responsibilities of Kingdom Living that will encourage all believers to; give an account of what they are doing with what God has given them, and progress in a life of Holiness and Righteousness before the Lord.

4-3 We believe that in the restoration of New Testament Christianity to the Responsibilities of Kingdom Living, through our leaders in a balanced growth of Commitment and Relationship. The Anointing of God will be released, Healing, Growth and Development will take place and the Community will be challenged to enquire as to the reason.

4.4 We believe it is essential for all leaders to establish through the Holy Spirit, and maintain a confidential spiritual covering and counsel, relationship of submission with Mature Godly Elders or recognised Fathers of the Faith within the association or otherwise, in order to avoid error and deception. Thus by benefiting from the experience of those Elders to fulfil more effectively their responsibilities to their assembly.

4.5 Senior Elders thus nominated, must acknowledge and be willing to exercise a responsibility to observe, and to Counsel, Correct and Discipline where necessary or requested, the leader concerned, for their growth and development and thus en -sure the ongoing welfare of the members also.

The Senior Pastor(s) and Elders of the Association must hold themselves available to ensure the above principles are in operation at all times and acknowledge their accountability to God and the membership, for the maintenance of Biblical Standards of Worship, Teaching, Fellowship and Pastoral care.

4.6 Denominational structures are Functional, not Scriptural and Leaders who have the benefit of Input from Senior Elders who are not members of the Association but in harmony with the Association Principles and Calling, will find themselves better equipped through this Trans-denominational covering and exchange, to analyse and avoid errors in Trends and Teaching Interpretation that can lead them personally to compromise their example of Holiness and Righteousness before their assembly.

4.7 Members must have the security of knowing that God holds All Leaders accountable to Him and will judge severely any who misuse their anointing.

Refs. Eze 34:1-24; Acts 5:1-11.




Principles of Ministry

5.0 The Church Universal

5.1 We recognise that, within the framework of the Church Universal there is the necessity to be associated with churches of common faith, vision and leadership, and as a part of the Body of Christ believes that association with us should not interfere with our love for, and fellowship with the Church Universal in whatever contact we may have, therefore we encourage an attitude of Christian fellowship toward all believers in Christ irrespective of doctrinal or denominational differences.

6.0 The Church Local

We accept the New Testament portrayal of the Church Universal organised into self-governing local churches. Our concept of the local church is that of a Christian community that is:

6.1 Autonomous, having full authority to manage its own affairs

6.2 Governed by Overseers (or by whatever title the spiritual oversight may be Known.)

6.3 Composed of people who:-

6.3.1 Are saved through faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.

6.3.2 Who ideally are baptised in water by immersion.

6.3.3 Who ideally are baptised in the Holy Spirit.

6.3.4 Accept the ministry and oversight of the local church; and

6.3.5 Hold membership in no other local church

6.4 A base for outreach activities as expressed in the purposes of Ambassadors of Jesus conducted either by their own local initiative or in co-operation with other local churches.

7.0 Principles of Fellowship

7.1 We accept that fellowship finds expression on various levels of life and activity, such as fellowship between man and God; within the local church; between local churches as a group; and with the Church Universal on both a personal and local church level.

7.2 While recognising that fellowship will be stronger and more intimate in smaller closer circles, we accept that fellowship in all the above spheres(7.1) can be maintained without conflict if the proper sense of priorities is held.

7.3 Fellowship is preserved only when privileges are counterbalanced by the following indispensable factors:

7.3.1 Loyalty within the fellowship and to its purposes is maintained

7.3.2 Contribution to the fellowship is made from the resources of each of its members.

      1. The discipline of the fellowship is accepted, each assuming the responsibilities and restrictions resulting from loyalty to the fellowship and its ideals.

7.4 We accept that the principles of fellowship are violated when any one member takes independent action knowing that it is contrary to the interests and desires of the fellowship as a whole, whether in the local church, within a group of churches (cont) or within the Church Universal, in every case, liberty of action must be limited by consideration of the interests of others within the fellowship.


Principles of Ministry

8.0 Ministry Policy

The following policy is accepted as governing all Ministry functioning in and for Ambassadors of Jesus.

8.1 Only Credential or authorised people may officially represent Ambassadors of Jesus Inc.

8.2 It is expected of such people that they give due respect to the fellowships to which they are invited and at all times maintain the highest ideals of Christian Fellowship and Ministerial ethics. A reciprocal policy by people visiting Ambassadors of Jesus fellowships is expected and appreciated.

8.3 Ambassadors of Jesus platforms are open to all ministers approved by the local oversight, subject to the Principles of Fellowship as set out in clause (7).

8.4 While Ambassadors of Jesus assemblies are encouraged to give generous financial assistance to visiting ministers, such ministers are requested, not to solicit funds, nor to seek names and addresses of members for follow-up purposes without approval of the local oversight.

8.5 It is expected that visiting ministers will avoid presenting any doctrine, publicly or privately, to any member of an assembly knowing that it is contrary to what is normally taught in the assembly concerned, or to distribute magazines or other literature, unless the approval of the recognised oversight of the assembly is obtained.


9.1 Inasmuch as finance plays an important part in the activities of local churches we accept that the highest possible standard of ethics must be maintained in view of the following considerations:

9.1.1 Responsibility to God as His stewards

9.1.2 Faithfulness to those who have entrusted their offerings.

9.1.3 A good testimony before the community as a whole.

9.2 In practical outworking of this principle, it is expected that;

9.2.1 A proper accounting system shall be adopted

9.2.2 A regular supervision of financial affairs shall be made by responsible officers.

9.2.3 A balance sheet and a complete financial report shall be furnished each year.

9.2.4 Books of account shall be duly audited.


Alterations, additions to, or repeal of any of the provisions of these principles shall be made in accordance with the constitution and:-

    1. By a four-fifths majority of all elders and people holding Ministers Credentials.
    2. Such alterations, etc. shall be made at any properly convened meeting of the Ambassadors of Jesus(Inc) Council.

10.2 Or by the Ambassadors of Jesus(Inc) Executive providing they have the approval of all the recognised assemblies and providing the same ratio exist in these Assembly Elderships..